Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Evolution of a Knitter... well this knitter anyhow

It is amazing how a person changes over time...  I started knitting in 2009, I remember my first stitches and immediately I knew that I loved it!  I have had this life long search if you will for my "craft" and have had fun learning new things... I tried scapbooking, but don't have the right imagination... I tried crochet and boy oh boy I can chain stitch for MILES but forget about turning... I did cross-stitch for a long time, but that lost it's thrill after a few years, although I could see myself doing it again sometime...  I would love to learn how to sew but that darn machine intimidates me, I made a bag in middle school, but alas it wasn't all that great...  When I started knitting I KNEW I had finally found MY CRAFT!  I love it, it calms me, it gives me passion, and pride!

My first projects were dishcloths like most people.  I also tried to knit a scarf but quickly grew bored with it and frogged it a few months ago more than 3 years after casting on.  I remember sitting in the hospital in April 2009 while my sister was laboring with my first nephew just practicing my stitches, I was knitting with some blue red heart acrylic yarn and I was perfectly content practicing.  I made a lot of mistakes, duh still do...  That little "swatch" I knit while waiting ended up so full of holes and dropped stitches, but I didn't give up because I had found my craft!  My first hat ended up big enough to be a skirt for my then 10 month old daughter!  But before long I was knitting successfully and making real things.

When I first started knitting I couldn't understand why anyone had a problem with Red Heart and any other "cheap" yarn...  I couldn't imagine ever being a good enough knitter to warrant spending much on yarn and forget about having any sort of stash, because I was going to be a one project at a time type of girl.  Much to my husband's dismay that quickly changed, yarn started piling up as did needles and patterns, some rather ambitious at that.  I was still buying relatively cheap yarn because I still hadn't had the confidence that I could ever knit something worthy of "good:" yarn.  I went to the first Sock Summit in 2009 having only been a knitter for a few months and I saw that tiny yarn and was more than a little intimidated, but also very intrigued and even more in love!  I still didn't have much confidence, but I was more inspired.

As I think about myself and my feelings when I first started knitting, I can't believe how much I have changed!  I have pretty much an entire room dedicated to yarn and patterns and have several sets of needles.  I love knitting with that incredibly tiny sock yarn and look forward to knitting every night!

I am going to try to be better about blogging and not sure where this rambling post came from but there you have it... Not really too much of an "evolution" if you will, but it is my evolution and I cannot wait to evolve with my knitting even more!

Look for a review soon... I will be reviewing the Yarn U app :)