Thursday, September 24, 2009

How I love Wednesday's (even though it is Thursday)

Why do I love Wednesday's? Why it is knit night of course! I get to have some "Mommy time" and go to a local restaurant with some other knitters and knit and chat to our hearts content. Really does a mommy good, even if I am the working mommy type. Sometimes I feel guilty leaving her if I haven't seen her all day, does it make me a bad mom to leave her with daddy anyhow? I sure hope not.

Do you know what else I have discovered lately? My friend and co-worker said it best "knitters are just nice people." And you know what? WE ARE!!!! We will happily share a pattern, we are quick to pull out a tape measure if someone needs it, we almost always have scissors on our person or at least in our knitting bags.

Yes, you caught me... I said bags. I bet you could ask any knitter how many bags they have and any on of us is going to have to answer with at least more than one! I know, I have only been knitting since April and their isn't a bag that I see that I don't say to myself... "hmm... could that be a knitting bag?" or "oh, I bet that would make an AWESOME knitting bag." I think it drives my hubby a little crazy, but hey that's okay there are a lot of things that he does that drives me crazy!

Anyway, just some thoughts.

Happy knitting!

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog. I'm Pupomatic on ravelry, though I'm not that active these days. Maybe you'd like to read my blog, its: Keep knitting and blogging! -- Angela
